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House of Oya Botanica

Elegua the Orisha of Doors of Opportunity and Closure ritual Oil

Elegua the Orisha of Doors of Opportunity and Closure ritual Oil

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Elegua is the youthful Orisha who holds the keys to all paths. He is known for being a trickster, but his intentions are always good. If you need assistance with opening or closing doors of opportunity, or if you are working on healing your inner child, Elegua is the perfect spirit to petition.

This ritual oil is made with a blend of essential oils and herbs that are traditionally associated with Elegua. To use, simply place the candle to the right of your front door and light it while focusing on your intention. You can also offer gifts of hard candy or small toys to Elegua as a way of thanking him for his help.

Who is Elegua and what does this oil do?

 Elegua, also known as Eshu or Legba, (thats a whole other long explanation) is a prominent deity in several African and Afro-Caribbean religions, including Yoruba, Santería, Candomblé, and Vodou. Elegua is often considered the messenger between the human world and the divine, playing a pivotal role in facilitating communication, transitions, and crossroads.

In Yoruba cosmology, Elegua is one of the Orishas, the deities associated with various aspects of nature and human life. Elegua is typically depicted as a child or an old man and is revered for his wisdom, trickster nature, and ability to open or close paths in life.

Elegua oil, associated with this deity, is often used in spiritual and magical practices to invoke Elegua's energy and seek his assistance in matters related to communication, opportunities, and navigating life's crossroads. The oil is believed to help open pathways, remove obstacles, and bring about positive changes. It may be used in rituals, anointing candles, or personal items to establish a connection with Elegua and seek his guidance and blessings. It's important to approach the use of Elegua oil with respect for the cultural and spiritual traditions from which it originates.

How do you work with Elegua's oil?

 Elegua, also known as Eshu or Legba, is a prominent deity in several African and Afro-Caribbean religions, including Yoruba, Santería, Candomblé, and Vodou. Elegua is often considered the messenger between the human world and the divine, playing a pivotal role in facilitating communication, transitions, and crossroads.

In Yoruba cosmology, Elegua is one of the Orishas, the deities associated with various aspects of nature and human life. Elegua is typically depicted as a child or an old man and is revered for his wisdom, trickster nature, and ability to open or close paths in life.

Elegua oil, associated with this deity, is often used in spiritual and magical practices to invoke Elegua's energy and seek his assistance in matters related to communication, opportunities, and navigating life's crossroads. The oil is believed to help open pathways, remove obstacles, and bring about positive changes. It may be used in rituals, anointing candles, or personal items to establish a connection with Elegua and seek his guidance and blessings. It's important to approach the use of Elegua oil with respect for the cultural and spiritual traditions from which it originates.

What spells can I do with Elegua's Oil?

 Spell To Get the Keys to a Home or Car


  • Elegua oil
  • Green candle (for attracting prosperity)
  • Blue candle (for serenity and stability)
  • Red/Black candle (for offering to Elegua)
  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • A representation of a home or car (a picture or a small model)

1. Begin by cleansing yourself with a ritual bath containing a few drops of Elegua oil. Clear your mind and focus on your intention.
2. Arrange the green and blue candles side by side on your altar. Place the representation of a home or car in the center.
3. Anoint the green candle with Elegua oil, focusing on the intention of attracting prosperity. Anoint the blue candle, emphasizing the qualities of serenity and stability.
Anoint the red and black candle as an offering for Elegua.
4. On the piece of paper, write down specific qualities you seek in a new home or car. Be detailed and clear about your desires. Fold the paper with the written intentions.
5. Light the green candle, stating your intention for attracting a new home or car filled with prosperity. Light the blue candle, expressing your desire for serenity and stability.
Light the red and black candle as a thank you for the work he will help you with.
6. Visualize yourself living in your new home or driving the perfect car. Feel the joy and contentment associated with this manifestation.
7. Speak affirmations aloud, reinforcing your belief that the right place to live or car is on its way to you.
8. Safely burn the folded paper with your written intentions using the flames from both candles, symbolizing the release of your desires into the universe.
9. Allow the candles to burn out completely. Express gratitude for the opportunities and possibilities that are manifesting.:

Take practical steps towards finding a new place to live or a suitable car, such as researching, visiting locations, or contacting sellers.


I am not a health professional . Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. Information provided is for entertainment purposes only

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All information provided is for entertainment purposes only.

Conjure oil, Spell oil, Ritual oil, Hoodoo, pagan, wicca, rootworker ifa, santeria, Magic, Spell Oil, Advanced Oil Magic, Magickal Oil, Witch Spells, Powerful spells, oil for candles, witchcraft, prayer oil, anointing oil, love spell, money spell, essential oil, spell casting, psychic, voodoo,

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