Spell to Pass Exam, Excel Test, African Magic, Clinical and Boards, State License Spells, Witchcraft to Learn
Spell to Pass Exam, Excel Test, African Magic, Clinical and Boards, State License Spells, Witchcraft to Learn
Use this charm (plus a Nut you must eat) to pass any exam! You still must study but this spell talisman will help get you over to the otherside. Contact me after purchase for instructions.
Pheromone oil, Aphrodisiac oils, libido spell for women, Ritual Spells, Magick
Sex Worker Magick spell oil
Bend Over Conjure spell Oil
Follow Me Boy-Spiritual Bath
Money Spells, DIY Spell Oil Ebook, Instant Download, Abundance Receipes, Prosperity Attraction, Printable Book, Witchcraft
Oba Orisha Oil for Protection